In the slums of the capital of Uganda, Kampala, street kids who have lost their home through Aids, poverty or the separation of their parents gather together, abused, unprotected, hungry and lonely.
The staff of Chosen Generation Ministry are very grateful that since 2002 they have been able to give so many children a better future. The children learn the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They experience God’s love practically by receiving food, clothing, medical aid, a home and the opportunity to go to school and learn a trade. We also serve women and churches, organize seminars and youth camps.
We would like to thank all the supporters who make this work possible.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations!” Matthew 28:18
The kids’ house: Home at last!
The children’s home has developed into a place where everyone can live together in a settled and relaxed atmosphere. School, vocational training, church and fun are part of daily life. Challenges and questions about the future are discussed together …[read more]

The forgotten children: Street kids
Kisenyi is one of the poorest slums in the centre of Kampala. Prostitution, drugs, alcohol, violence and poverty characterize this area. This is where it all began. [read more]
Agricultural project:
We grow our own fruit and vegetables: potatoes of all kinds, cooking potatoes, maize, pumpkins, manioc and sugar beet. Our organic vegetables taste great! So the young people living with us have a meaningful occupation during their holidays. They learn to take responsibility for the “family.” [read more]
Evangelistic outreach
Whether on the streets, in the seminars or church services, from door to door in the northern bush villages, in prisons or in the youth penitary centre in Kampala: The message remains the same: “God loves you and has not forgotten you. Jesus has already saved you. Taste and see that the Lord is good!” We follow Jesus wherever He sends us. [read more]
Self-help project for war widows and single mothers: In the villages in northern Uganda many women live from hand to mouth without any kind of provision or aid. They can´t afford to send their children to school. [read more]