Ndauwler is now 21 years old. He has been living in the children’s home since 2007 and is a very cheerful, funny and hard-working young man. He loves to eat cake. He enjoys swimming and listens to a lot of music.
Ndauwler lived with his parents in the ghetto in Kampala. Every week he came to the Street Children’s Program and met Regine and the team. Finally, he was admitted to the children’s home. A short time later his parents died.
Ndauwler finished school in November 2017, but at the moment he is looking for a vacation job in Uganda this is not so easy. Please pray that he will get a job in order to contribute money for his studies. His dream is to study fashion and design, but his future prospects as a designer in Uganda are rather poor. He has now decided to study Klemptnerstudium. Here too, you can pray for him that Ndauwler is successful in his studies and makes learning easier and fun for him.
Swabulah is now 18 years old and has been in the children’s home since 2006. She lived in the ghetto in Kampala after her parents’ death. She regularly visited a church where she met the CGM staff. Swabulah loves to dance and she is great in telling stories. In her spare time she likes to watch movies.
Swabulah is a very kind and polite young woman. She passed her school examinations in November last year and the results were good. She now wants to train as a nurse. To get an apprenticeship you have to have good grades, especially in biology.
Please pray for Swabulah that she may get to know God more and more and that her trust in him grows and that she will get an apprenticeship and make good friends.
Peruth is now 19 years old. In her spare time Peruth likes to go swimming, she likes to sing and also writes her own songs.
Before Peruth came to the Chosen Generation children’s home at the age of 8, Peruth lived with her grandmother and aunt in a village. Her aunt knew Regine and that’s how the contact came about.
Peruth finished school in November 2017. She speaks very good English and would like to start her journalism studies this year. Her dream is to work as a television presenter. The course lasts a total of 3 years. Until the semester starts, she will do an internship in a media house to get to know her future job and to make contacts.
You can pray for her to find a good internship place where she won’t be used and learn something.
Studying or training in Uganda is very expensive, as the young people have to live in the boarding school of the university during this time. The tuition fees and accommodation on campus alone amount to 2,500,000 UGS per semester (depending on the exchange rate, this is approximately 600 euros). In addition, items such as kettles, school uniforms, books and other materials are needed. In addition, the students have to pay for meals.
Therefore we need about 4000 Euro per year for all 3 young people.
Your financial support, but also that of prayer, is important and will help Ndauwler, Swabulah and Peruth to study and thus have a good chance of finding a job later on. Thank you very much for that.
Every Friday we meet Streetchildren in Kampala
Thanks to Hungermarsch Böhl-Iggelheim!!!!!!! The building for the sewing school takes shape!
June – August 2016: from foundation to roof
Hier noch einige Bilder von meinem letzten Missionstrip im Juni MissionUg_Juni2016
Jannik Ruppert travelled to Uganda for three weeks in 2014 and visited the children’s home and northern Uganda. With the help of football, the 28-year-old brought a smile to the children’s faces.
Read the full article on Fussball.de

One of the participants writes:
We (team of 6 people) were in Uganda for two and a half weeks in April 2014 and visited the organisation “CGM”! It was a very intensive time for me, which remains unforgettable in my life! We went as a team together with the kids from “CGM” to the slums of Kampala and surrounding villages! We have brought Jesus to the people we met! For example, I was travelling with two people from Uganda in a village and a mother brought me her son and said that he could not write straight lines because he had problems with his eyes. After prayer, he got a note and a pen in his hand and he could write straight lines! Furthermore, stomach, intestinal diseases, eye, limb, head and head ailments have been cured and a deaf ear has become hearing again! Many people were liberated, healed and saved! Thank you JESUS!!!! What most touched my heart is the African worship! Put a drum in their hands and let’s go. I was allowed to learn so much and I am enthusiastic about this country and especially about the people! I can only recommend this adventure! Finally, I would like to thank and honor Regine, she is the HAMMA! Thank you for your heart!
Come with us – With the Holy Spirit into the harvest:
If you want to contribute to our vision, please write to: cgm.ug2001@hotmail.com
- With the Holy Spirit into the harvest: proclaim a powerful gospel to the poor and demonstrate that God’s presence today still heals the sick and gives deliverance. We go to hospitals, village to village, preach and also serve in a very practical way. Expenditure on food, child services or practical work in the children’s home. You are most welcome. We grow in faith in “walking” and are built up and blessed more than before. It is such a privilege to know Jesus and to be at his disposal.
Requirements for a mission: English and a relationship with Jesus!
Detailed information under inserts or by email to: cgm.ug2001@hotmail.com, to: Regine Schweizer
Young people from Germany visited the children from the children’s home in Uganda: In summer 2012, a youth group visited the children’s home of Chosen Generation Ministry in Uganda. For both sides it was a very special experience and one learned from each other. Frank owes the school and a loving home to Franziska.
Volunteers, Vistors and trainees:
Jacki and Lisa did their internship in 2013 in Uganda for 3 months:

At the beginning of October our adventure could begin and we travelled for a total of three months to the warm and friendly Uganda – “Goodbye Germany and Hello Africa”! As dual students of the DHBW-Stuttgart we seized the opportunity to complete our internship in another country. Our aim was to gain experience, to get to know new areas of responsibility and to experience social work in a different way and under different circumstances. We have all been able to achieve these goals and we do not regret having dared to take this step into a different culture, a different way of life and work, or into another country. In these three months we had different tasks to focus on. Especially working with the street children in the ghetto or with our children at home demanded a lot of effort and commitment. The meetings with the street children were not always easy and you could see the world again and again with different eyes. Dirt, drugs, hunger and violence are the everyday life of every child there. Our work was to pray, sing, learn and laugh together with them. For us it was always nice to see again and again that they could only be helped with a single hug or loving touch. We will also never forget the moment when we were allowed to take a 12-year-old boy from the street to our home. These moments are simply unique and priceless. We worked together with the boys and girls at home every day. Regular tutoring in English or mathematics, playing games, preparing prayers or meals together, as well as programs such as swimming, playing football or writing your own CV were part of our daily schedule. It was always nice to combine the African and German food culture, for example by preparing typical German baked bread and the children taught us how to cook African cooked bananas and rice with beans. Work in the office was another area of responsibility. We often did this work together with the social worker on site and thus gained further insight into the background stories of the individual former street children. Last but not least, we also had enough time to get to know the country, life and people better through our little excursions. From visiting Lake Victoria, a snake park to visiting the capital Kampala and African food, we had plenty of opportunities to immerse ourselves in the culture of Africa. Even if you often reach your limits and miss the luxury of Germany, you forget these little worries in the daily work and laughter or friendly waves of the children very quickly. For us, as prospective social workers, it was a unique and certainly unforgettable experience, which has helped us in our professional and private life a little bit.
Children help children in Uganda
The working group Africa Project wants to help the children in Uganda: (standing) Madeline Siebert, Kim-Eileen Megerle, Ann-Kathrin Huber, Evelyn Fot, Maike Lutz, Annika Mittelstaedt, (kneeling) Mirsade Shabani and Stefan Kersten Bild: Rauscher/Schantini Eight pupils of the Reinhold Frank School Centre Ostrachtal will be involved in the Edeka market from 2 p. m. to 7 p. m. next Friday: If desired, they will pack the customers’ purchases in bags and carry them to the car. Whoever wants to, can donate,”says 12-year-old Stefan Kersten, who helped to bring this idea to life in the Africa Project working group. Together with his one year older classmate Evelyn Fot, he considered his plan of action to help children in Africa. This is where this service concept came into being. The pupils donate the proceeds to the aid organisation CGM Germany (Chosen Generation Uganda), which works for children who have lost their homes.
The 21-year-old school intern Lisa-Marie Schantini says:”With 25 euros a month, a child can be taken off the street and attend school.” She spent three months in Uganda in autumn and experienced the conditions. As a student of social work at the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University in Stuttgart, she completed her internship at CGM and worked with the street children. Plight, misery, fear, often mortal fear, bitter poverty and loneliness are their constant companions. We were confronted with completely different problems. The children were completely exhausted because they didn’t dare to sleep at night because they were afraid of being beaten up or even killed,”says Schantini. “Sometimes when they had gained a little confidence, they told of their lives on the street, but that was rare.”
Their constant hunger reduced their ability to concentrate. There was no medical care for the children. There was sometimes water, and showering was done with rainwater. “The joy was great when we had electricity and water.” Schantini worked with the street children and had one goal: to put a smile on these young people’s faces. “If there’s a donor, the children will be admitted to the orphanage.” It was impressions that changed her life. “You can’t forget that, and you know you have to help.”
Since the beginning of her studies, she has been working for almost two years at the Ostrachtal School Centre for three months. In spring, the student described her impressions of Uganda to the sixth and seventh grade students. She showed pictures of it, and they soon realized:”We’re doing really well here.” Evelyn Fot explains:”We want to help the children there, because they feel really bad about it,” explains Evelyn Fot. “When Lisa told me about it, I thought about it for a long time. It moved me, and I feel very sorry for the children,”she summed up her impressions. Stefan Kersten knew what was said:”Last year I was in Tunisia and I know what it looks like and how poor everyone is.” It is therefore clear to everyone that after the campaign in the supermarket, things should continue. Penpals should be built up and further actions are planned. And Lisa Schantini and her fellow student Jacqueline Berz from Sigmaringendorf will go to Africa again next year, after her studies.